Sudut Aktiviti Mojo
Sudut khas untuk aktiviti yang tersedia untuk terus digunakan— dicipta oleh guru-guru hebat seperti anda juga 💚
100 Days of School Activity PackCelebrate your 💯 day milestone in style. This bundle includes: a "100 Days Brighter" certificate, hundreds counting chart, and opinion writing activity.

Teka Kata Musim SejukCelebrate the winter season while practicing writing skills and literacy with Winter Mad Libs! Coloring page also included.

SMART GoalsMojo and Katie are here to cheer students on with their SMART goals! 🥅 The included lesson plan and football/soccer graphic organizers will help set students up for success.

Winter and Summer Coloring PagesSoak up the winter and summer fun with Mojo, Katie, and Bruce!

Eras Tour Poster and Coloring PageCelebrate every Mojo era with this customizable poster and coloring page!

Piece of the PuzzleIn this collaborative activity, students will each contribute a piece to a class puzzle. The design will be revealed when they work together and recognize that they each had an important part to play in its creation!

Partnership PuzzlePair up and piece together a playful puzzle!

DIY Monster PlushieMake your very own ClassDojo plushie! Use household materials and this kit to make your monster come to life.

Morning Greetings PosterMorning mindfulness starts right when students walk into the classroom. Whether it begins with a wave or dance battle, it's sure to be a great day.

Snowman PartyTeam up on Dojo Islands to plan a frosty fiesta, complete with creatively-crafted snowmen guests. As the snowmen take shape, the fun begins—students can engage in imaginative play with their party guests.

Igloo for Who?In this challenge, students will receive a unique monster character, and their mission is to construct a custom igloo home on Dojo Islands. Get ready for some snow-filled fun!

Class Skating RinkGear up for an Ice Skating Rink Building Bonanza on Dojo Islands! Students will use inventive engineering to form a frosty arena, where they can glide, twirl, and slide across the new (and truly slippery) ice.

Birthday Party KitCelebrate your birthday with Mojo! This kit includes: a bday card, crowns, cupcake toppers, and bunting. 🎉

Rantaian KesyukuranSpread gratitude throughout your classroom and school! Help students brainstorm what they’re grateful for, grab some scissors, and watch your Gratitude Chain grow.

Dojo Door: Halloween EditionBimbing kreativiti pelajar anda dengan aktiviti hiasan pintu ini. Pelajar boleh mewarnakan raksasa agar sepadan dengan avatar atas talian mereka, lengkap dengan pakaian baharu! Gantung hasil kreativiti di pintu untuk sebarkan senyuman ke seluruh sekolah.

BINGO KebaikanStudents will have so much fun spreading kindness throughout the school community.

Kit Sudut BertenangKit Sudut Bertenang ini akan membawakan ketenangan ke dalam kelas anda. 😌 Dipenuhi aktiviti cekap emosi, termasuklah Gerak Yoga Mojo, permainan padan emosi, helaian mewarna perkembangan minda, dan banyak lagi. ✨

Kad Kejutan RaksasaAktiviti yang tersedia ini menjadikan ianya cukup mudah untuk anak anda mempamerkan kreativiti—dan berkongsi kebaikan. Cetak kad ini dan terus edarkan!

Kad KepujianDidik pelajar anda tentang pujian dengan mengamalkannya. Muat turun poster kelas dan kad pujian ini untuk kanak-kanak edarkan sesama mereka.

Menggambarkan HormatPelajar akan menghormati diri mereka dan orang lain dalam aktiviti mudah ini, dengan melukis potret diri sendiri, memuji hasil rakan sekelas dan menggambarkan hormat.

Memupuk KeberanianKita memerlukan keberanian untuk mencapai matlamat. Aktiviti kelas ini memupuk pemahaman pelajar tentang matlamat dan langkah-langkah untuk mencapainya.

Peta Minda Raksasa Monsterrific graphic organizer bundle to help students and teachers organize thoughts. Includes: 3 Stars and a Wish, KWL Chart, Frayer Model Diagram, Story Sequencing Template, Venn Diagram, Deep Thinking Note-Catcher, and Writing Paper. Available in color and black-and-white.

Saya Sayang Diri Saya!Amat kritikal untuk ingat bahawa diri kita sememangnya hebat! Pelajar akan bermuhasabah diri, tulis, atau lukis tentang perkara yang mereka suka mengenai diri, yang menjadikan mereka istimewa.

Bingo Kita SerupaPermainan BINGO untuk menggalakkan pelajar mengenali perkara yang serupa antara satu sama lain.

Ditangkap Berbuat Baik!Didik komuniti kelas anda untuk meraikan rakan sekelas yang berbuat baik.

Dadu BERTENANGKadang kala kita mempunyai emosi yang besar. Apa yang boleh kita lakukan untuk menenangkan diri ketika ini berlaku?

Kawan Saya KataUntuk memberi semangat kepada komuniti kita memerlukan teknik mendengar dan berkongsi yang kukuh. Pelajar akan mempelajari pelbagai cara mereka boleh menyebarkan kebaikan dalam komuniti.

Matlamat RaksasaThese graphic organizers will help students create and reflect on SMART goals.

Keadaan SulitCultivate empathy in your classroom community by guiding students in identifying how they would respond when confronted with dilemmas that require them to take action or walk away.

Meditasi dan MuhasabahBantu pelajar memahami kepentingan kesedaran kendiri dengan menyelami perasaan masing-masing melalui meditasi dan muhasabah diri.

Rakan RaksasaSemai kepentingan kerjasama dengan aktiviti ringkas dan kreatif ini.

Saya Menghargai AndaPembudayaan kebaikan akan mengambil masa. Pelajar akan terlatih untuk menghargai orang lain sepanjang tahun!

Bulatan KawalanThere is so much in life that we can’t control and it can be frustrating! Help your students learn to distinguish between the things they can and can't control and how to manage their feelings.

Perlu Dilakukan Minggu IniGalakkan pelajar berdikari dengan muhasabah diri dan Senarai Perlu Dilakukan ini!

Keseronokan Hari Bumi!Projek kolaboratif seni yang melibatkan kerjasama dan kreativiti. Kelas anda pasti dihiasi poster cantik yang menyebarkan cara kita boleh menyelamatkan Bumi.

Hari St Patrick Raikan Hari St Patrik ini dengan kertas mewarna Mojo dan Katie merasakan nasib baik orang Ireland!

Padankan EmosiMeningkatkan kesedaran emosi pelajar, dengan pelbagai kaedah melalui permainan interaktif memadankan ini.

Jom Kenali Saya! (Teman Raksasa)Help students build peer relationships through this listening and sharing activity!

Kehadapan Diriku di Masa Depan,Menyemai penentuan diri dan menggalakkan perkembangan minda dalam kelas dengan aktiviti menulis surat kepada diri mereka di masa hadapan, untuk dibuka di akhir penggal atau hujung tahun.

Buku Tentang SayaHelp build self-awareness and confidence by giving students time and space to reflect on their character strengths!

Buku Flip RaksasaBina kerjasama kumpulan melalui pertukaran warna-warni dengan Mojo campur-dan-padan!

Perasaan MelimpahEmosi dan perasaan yang meluap-luap adalah normal. Ajar dan berikan contoh apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan "perasaan meluap-luap" dan beremosi, sebab dan cara untuk mengawalnya.

Cabaran Pembinaan Dojo IslandsPelajar anda akan bekerjasama untuk melengkapkan siri cabaran yang menguji kemahiran membina mereka dan membantu membina komuniti kelas anda. Paket sedia diguna ini termasuk kontrak persetujuan, pelan pengajaran, lembaran cabaran, peta minda, dah helaian refleksi!

Isi Tempat Kosong PerasaanCollaborate as a class, in small groups, or have students work independently to finish this story about Mojo's big feelings! Great for practicing parts of speech and emotional vocab words.

Buku Pengembaraan Musim Panas MojoJurnal ini mengandungi idea menyeronokkan untuk membantu pelajar menulis tentang matlamat mereka, impian, pengalaman, ringkasan buku dan muhasabah diri. Ia juga mengandungi tag bagasi untuk mereka bawa bersama Mojo atau mainan kegemaran dalam percutian mereka.

Permainan Lihat Ingat Perkataan oleh ClassDojo x meetmissalinaKuasai perkataan frekuensi tinggi dengan permainan memori yang menyeronokkan ini, seronok dimainkan berdua! Pek aktiviti ini mengandungi kad siap diguna untuk senarai perkataan Pra-Sekolah, Tadika, dan Darjah 1 dan juga kad kosong untuk tambahan perkataan sendiri.

Karya Potret Diri RaksasaKit kraf ini mengandungi keratan raksasa dan bahagian badan yang sepadan avatar ClassDojo. Pelajar boleh ubah suai raksasa untuk menonjolkan diri mereka di awal tahun. Bingkaikan portret yang sudah selesai di papan buletin untk hiasan raksasa istimewa!

Pakej Poster Nombor dan Buku Mengira Hias kelas anda dengan 0-20 poster, dilengkapi dengan pelbagai jenis nombor bersesuaian untuk kekalkan mereka mengira! Pilih antara poster berwarna atau hitam putih, agar mereka dapat penuhkan sepuluh bingkai sendiri dan cipta buku mengira.

Kit Kedai DojoCipta Kedai Dojo yang anda impikan dengan menggunakan kit ini! Kami sudah sediakan papan tanda kedai, poster peraturan, menu kedai, penjejak impian, sijil Juara Dojo, kupon boleh diubahsuai, dan paling penting, label markah Dojo. ✨

Dojo GarlandJom kenali pelajar anda, galakkan kreativiti, dan hiaskan kelas anda dengan karangan raksasa ClassDojo!

Lembaran Kerja Semunya Tentang SayaHelaian satu muka ini akan membantu pelajar untuk bersuara di awal tahun. Boleh didapati dalam warna dan hitam putih!

Carta Kelas PekerjaanClass jobs can be super empowering to students! These jobs are available in both card and poster form--perfect for a pocket chart or bulletin board, and you can customize the roles to fit the needs of your class.

Classroom Routines KitThis kit includes a Class Norms Poster, Voice Levels Poster, and Class Schedule Cards that will help keep your class on track. Editable versions included!

Mojo's Yoga Moves Posters10 full-page posters of Mojo's Yoga Moves to decorate your classroom and inspire some mindful movement! Also includes a word wall and coloring page.

Coloring Pages BundleWhen you need to catch a break, share these coloring pages to spark mindfulness and creativity. This bundle includes 3 classic ClassDojo coloring pages, as well as 6 scenes showcasing positive skills like persistence and teamwork.

Student NameplatesDojo-style nameplates for lower and upper elementary students. Black-and-white versions also included so that students can color their own!

Classroom CalendarCreate a Dojo Calendar with moveable pieces! Also comes in black-and-white for students to color their own theme.

Affirmation MirrorCreate an affirmation station in your classroom! This kit includes 3 sign options and 18 positive affirmations from Mojo. Just add a mirror, and students will be ready to practice their daily affirmations!

Dojo Alphabet CardsDojo-style ABC posters and flashcards to spice up your daily routine. Printer-friendly and smartboard-compatible!

Hundreds Chart BundleIncludes three versions of 100 and 120s charts. Students can color in patterns and fill in the missing numbers!

Reading Interests Inventory SurveyMojo multiple choice makes it fun to assess students' reading attitudes throughout the school year. Includes a blank version to make any multiple choice quiz!

Writing Paper BundleIncludes 8 ready-to-go writing prompts and 10 different writing paper templates. Pro-tip: stock these in your Writing Center so that students can practice opinion, informative, and narrative writing, as well as drawing, labeling, and journaling.

Growth Mindset Sorting Activity and Bulletin BoardGet the whole class on board with using the growth mindset! First, discuss the Big Ideas videos on growth mindset. Next, ask students to sort the cards into fixed vs. growth mindset statements. Working together, create a brain bulletin that shows how to turn a fixed mindset into a growth mindset!

Dojo Islands Welcome KitNot sure how to get started on Dojo Islands? This Welcome Kit includes a Community Guidelines Lesson, Hide & Seek Game, Build Challenge, and Act it Out! Activity.

Reading LogsMojo is here to be your reading buddy! Students can use these logs to keep track of their reading progress and book reviews.

Dojo Door Decoration ChallengeCelebrate your school community by decorating your classroom doors. Invite staff members and admin to be special guest judges.

"Where's Mojo?" Scavenger HuntEngage your whole school community in a scavenger hunt for Mojo! Invite staff members and admin to be involved in short “quests” to present students with the next “clue.”

Class Name and Badge ChallengeBy collaboratively creating a class name and logo, students will enhance their class identity and promote unity. The chosen name and logo will be celebrated and shared with families through Class Story.

Mojo's Time CapsuleCapture a snapshot of students' current interests, goals, and aspirations in time capsules. Whether digitally shared with families in Portfolios or hidden in the classroom, the time capsules provide meaningful opportunities for reflection and celebration.

Monster Math Scavenger Hunt by ClassDojo x Kristen GuarinoGet students moving around the room to solve monster math problems! This game includes 15 illustrated array cards and an equation worksheet. Students will be able to practice multiplication, or you can differentiate for other skills like counting and adding.

Stuffed Animal Day Reflection Sheets by ClassDojo x sassyin2ndStuffed Animal Day is such a special class tradition. Students can reflect by illustrating and labeling their favorite moments shared with plushies. 🤗 This bundle also includes an editable version that you can use for any spirit day!

Community GuidelinesAs your class starts exploring Dojo Islands, we recommend having them create their own community guidelines for how they interact with each other in this new space. By involving the students in this process, they will not only have a sense of ownership and pride in their virtual environment but also learn valuable lessons in collaboration, respect, and responsibility. Creating community guidelines empowers them to establish a positive and inclusive atmosphere where everyone can feel safe and supported.

Castle for KatieAttention, Builders! Princess Katie is visiting Dojo Islands, and, being a princess, she’s requested a castle to stay in. Work together in teams in the Build Zone to design and build a castle out of colorful blocks. Use your imaginations to make it special enough for a royal guest to stay in. Let’s get building!

Zero GroundAttention, Builders! Here’s a tricky challenge: can you get from one end of the Build Zone to the other, without any of your team members touching the ground? You’ll need to work together, using your creativity and teamwork skills to build structures that help you get across without ever touching the ground. Let’s get building!

To The StarsToday’s challenge is to build a rocket ship in the Build Zone. Use your imaginations to design a rocket that’s ready to blast off into the stars. Think about what materials and features you’ll need to make your rocket fly high and far. Let’s work together to make the best rocket we can!

Emotions PosterMojo's here to help kids identify and express their emotions! This poster is perfect for your classroom's calm corner.

Math Talk: Pumpkin Patch EditionThis bountiful fall scene opens up opportunities for students to think-and-talk about math and other interdisciplinary domains. Project this picture onto your whiteboard and engage students by using the included discussion guide and word problem worksheet.

Dream School Build ChallengeYour class is invited to flex their creativity and problem-solving skills in a fun, engaging, and global challenge. They’ll have a chance to win a very special prize: a workshop with the ClassDojo team, where they’ll help us build a brand-new part of Dojo Islands.

Big Ideas PennantsInspired by college pennants, students can write their dreams and aspirations on these Mojo-themed pennants. String them together to make a classroom goals banner!

Math Talk: Grocery Store EditionTake a trip to the grocery store with Mojo! This math talk includes a differentiated discussion guide to spark deep thinking and word problem-solving.

Think Pair Share PosterCollaborative thinking is more fun with Mojo and Katie!

Learning TargetsThese editable posters will encourage students to hit their learning targets.

Math Talk: Camping EditionS'more ideas for making word problems collaborative and fun! Includes a differentiated discussion guide and applied practice activities.

Mojo in the UK Poster and Coloring PageJoin in the adventure as Mojo and friends visit the UK! What landmarks should they see next?

Hero's Journey Writing TemplateEmbark on a hero's journey with Mojo! This graphic organizer provides 12 steps to guide students' next storytelling adventure.

Trick Or Treat Build ChallengeIn the magical Dojo Islands Build Zone, encourage students to craft haunted houses and quirky mansions. Once their creations are complete, it's time for some 'Trick or Treat' fun. 🎃🍬👻

Monster Mash Activity PackWhen things get a little scary in your classroom 🤪, channel students’ October excitement into this ready-to-go monster activity pack!

Spooky Surprise CardsGet into the spooky spirit with these peek-a-BOO cards.

Spooky Monster Avatar PackTreat students to a mummy, witch, pirate, ghost, or Dracula avatar this spooky season. This pack also includes a festive background for your desktop! Please note that this is a .zip file, so for best results, download from your computer.

Spooky Monster MasksCreate a custom monster mask! This is great to have on hand when students turn up without a costume for the fall parade.

Halloween ConundrumNot all problems have a clear right answer. Check out the Halloween Conundrum to spark some sweet problem solving and critical thinking! Watch the video with your class and follow up with our discussion guide.

Spooky Story TimeMojo and Katie are about to embark on an enchanting adventure involving a mysterious, glowing map. From this hook, your class will be inspired to create their own stories. Then it’s off to the Build Zone, where they’ll use colorful blocks to bring their story elements to life!

Haunted Costume ContestLights, camera, action! Read Halloween stories featuring Mojo and friends. Then, discuss in small groups how they would react to the situations. Then comes the fun part: acting it out! Kids can pick costumes and find the stage on Dojo Islands to act out their ideas.

Fall Word WallInspire students to use more autumnal vocabulary when writing and speaking.🍂 This bundle includes 20 editable cards that are perfect for a pocket chart. There's even a black-and-white version so students can make their own fall flashcards!

Plot Structure Writing TemplateThe classic plot outline, with a Dojo twist! Encourage students to map out their ideas in order to write more compelling narratives.

Pumpkin Scavenger HuntEmbark on a festive scavenger hunt in the mystical realms of Dojo Islands! Hidden across the island are colorful pumpkins and Halloween delights. Work in small groups to find them all!

Skeleton Sight Word CraftStudents will have a skele-ton of fun creating this craft! They get to build a dancing skeleton by designing a spooky skull and chaining together sight word strips.

Spider MapThis simple spider map helps students organize their ideas around a central topic. 🕷️🕸️

Participation PaddlesPaddles make it easy for ALL students to participate in class discussions, without interrupting the speaker!

Classroom FeastGather around for a heartwarming classroom activity this Thanksgiving season on Dojo Islands! Guide your students to the Build Zone, where they'll come together to craft a grand supper table and share what they're most thankful for this year.

Missing MealMojo, Katie, Bruce, and Chaos are gearing up for a heartwarming Thanksgiving feast when they notice Bruce’s dish is missing! In this narrative journey, your class will expand upon this story prompt. When the group is finished, they’ll head to the Dojo Islands Build Zone to recreate a key scene.

Delicious DecisionsLights, camera, action! Students will read short stories about fall and discuss how they would react to the story situations. Then comes the fun part: acting it out with costumes on the Dojo Islands stage!

Math Talk: Fall EditionCome celebrate fall with Mojo and friends! This think-and-talk empowers students to engage in math discussions and construct their own word problems.

Gratitude Reflection WorksheetA great guide to help students give gratitude! 🤗💕🥰

Thank You CardsIn a pinch this holiday season? Head on over to to create gratitude cards for your loved ones. 💌

Class CookbookStudents will get a taste of sequencing and informative writing as they contribute recipes to this class cookbook. This is the perfect activity for family engagement over Thanksgiving break.

Coloring Page PackStudents will love coloring these picturesque scenes! 🖼️

Mojo Holiday Ornament Tags"This string is very special, as you will soon see. Unravel it and you’ll find, that it’s the same size as me!" Attach this tag to ornaments as a meaningful gift for families this holiday season. Tutorial here.

New Year Reflections & GoalsRing in the new year by reflecting and goal-setting for 2024. This activity pack includes three different graphic organizers to set students up for success.
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