Virtual Terms of Service
These ClassDojo Virtual World Terms of Service, including any future modifications (" Virtual World Terms" ), govern your purchase, receipt, and use of the ClassDojo, Inc. (" ClassDojo", " we" or " us") fictional currency (" Virtual Currency") and your redemption of Virtual Currency in any store made available by ClassDojo on the ClassDojo Services (" ClassDojo Shop") for virtual goods or virtual services (" Virtual Goods").
Your activities under these Virtual World Terms are also subject to the terms and conditions of ClassDojo's general Terms of Service (including all restrictions, disclaimers, and limitations of liability contained therein) and the Virtual World Terms are hereby incorporated into the ClassDojo Terms of Service. Any capitalized terms not defined herein have the meaning set forth in the ClassDojo Terms of Service. ClassDojo may, from time to time, post additional guidelines regarding the submission of Your Virtual Goods (" Virtual Goods** Guidelines**"). All Virtual Goods Guidelines are part of these Virtual World Terms and are hereby incorporated by reference. In the event of any conflict between the Terms of Service and these Virtual World Terms, these Virtual World Terms will control.
By accepting, purchasing, using, or redeeming Virtual Currency, by redeeming, giving or receiving Virtual Goods, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Virtual World Terms and the Terms of Service. Users under the age of 18 ("Minor Users") require a parent or legal guardian (or School Personnel if used in connection with a school) to allow them to use the Virtual Currency and ClassDojo Shop and to agree to these Virtual World Terms. By permitting a Minor User to use the Virtual Currency and ClassDojo Shop the parent, legal guardian or School Personnel becomes subject to these Virtual World Terms and agrees to be responsible for the Minor Users activities on the Services related to the Virtual Currency and ClassDojo Shop. If you are a Minor User, you represent that your parent, legal guardian or School Personnel has reviewed and agreed to these Virtual World Terms. If you don't get your parent, guardian or School Personnel to read and agree to these Virtual World Terms, you don't have permission to use the Virtual Currency and ClassDojo Shop. Additionally, for Minor Users under the age of 13, ClassDojo follows the United States Federal Trade Commission's ("FTC") Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ("COPPA) consent rules that prohibit online service providers from knowingly collecting personal information from children under 13 years of age without verifiable parental consent or notice as applicable ("Consent").
Virtual Currency
What is Virtual Currency?
Virtual Currency is the official currency of the Services and can be used by Users to acquire intangible, non-physical nature things, like Virtual Goods on the Services. Virtual Currency does not have any value in real currency, which means it is not a substitute for real currency and doesn't earn interest. Except as otherwise outlined in the Virtual World Terms, Virtual Currency can't be redeemed for any other currency and ClassDojo is not obligated to exchange a User's Virtual Currency for anything else of value. Remember: Only those over the age of 18 may purchase Virtual Currency or engage in other real-money transactions on the Service.
License to Virtual Currency
ClassDojo may either charge a fee to you for Virtual Currency, or, at its discretion, distribute Virtual Currency to you for free. Regardless of any terminology used in these Virtual World Terms (such as "purchase," "acquire", "buy," or "sell") or when we otherwise talk about transactions related to Virtual Currency, the ClassDojo Store or Virtual Goods, ClassDojo does not transfer an ownership interest in the Virtual Currency to you. Virtual Currency is merely a virtual item licensed to you and has no monetary value. ClassDojo hereby grants you a limited, digital, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, one-time use license (with no right to sublicense) to use the Virtual Currency , in the form provided by ClassDojo, solely for the User's personal entertainment and for purpose of using on the ClassDojo Services in the ways permitted by these Virtual World Terms and the Terms of Service. Virtual Currency may be redeemed only at a Gift Store.
You acknowledge that Virtual Currency is fictional currency. You agree that ClassDojo has the absolute right to change the purchase price of, reduce, manage, regulate, control, modify, or eliminate Virtual Currency as it sees fit in its sole discretion, and that ClassDojo will have no liability to you based on its exercise of such rights. You also agree that ClassDojo may, in its sole discretion, put limits on Virtual Currency (e.g. how much a User can acquire) or do things that change the perceived value of the Virtual Currency (e.g. lowering the cost to buy them) at any time. Except for the limited licenses granted in these Virtual Terms, ClassDojo has and retains all right in and to Virtual Currency. This includes the right to modify, revoke or terminate a User's license to use Virtual Currency without notice, payment, or liability to a User.
The current pricing for Virtual Currency is described here. You may view your Virtual Currency balance at any time within Dojo Islands..
You may not obtain cash from ClassDojo, any User or any third party in exchange for Virtual Currency. You will not sell Virtual Currency to anyone, or transfer or agree to transfer Virtual Currency to anyone. ClassDojo does not recognize or take responsibility for third-party services that allow Users to sell, trade, transfer or otherwise use Virtual Currency and any use by a User is a violation of these Virtual Terms and the ClassDojo Terms of Service. Any use or attempted use of Virtual Currency in violation of these Virtual World Terms and the Terms of Service will be void (i.e. automatically canceled) and may result in immediate termination of the User's account and User's right to use Virtual Currency.
License Termination
ClassDojo, in its sole discretion, has the absolute right to manage, modify, suspend, revoke, and terminate your license to use Virtual Currency without notice, refund, compensation, or liability to you, except as otherwise prohibited by applicable law. We make no guarantee as to the nature, quality, or value of Virtual Currency or the availability or supply thereof. Your license to Virtual Currency will automatically terminate on the sooner of: (a) the deactivation or termination of your ClassDojo User account by you or ClassDojo; and (b) ClassDojo's revocation or termination of the license as provided by these Virtual World Terms or the Terms of Service. ClassDojo may also immediately cancel, suspend, or limit your access to your Virtual Currency if ClassDojo suspects fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful activity in connection with your Virtual Currency, or if you have violated the Terms of Service or these Virtual World Terms. ClassDojo is under no obligation to reinstate canceled, suspended, forfeited or otherwise lost Virtual Currency.
Payment for Virtual Currency
You must be over the age of 18 to purchase Virtual Currency or engage in other real-money transactions on the Service. By making a purchase on the Service, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years old.
ClassDojo uses Apple App Store Payments, Google App Store Payments, Stripe or other third parties to process your payments for Virtual Currency. By purchasing Virtual Currency, you are authorizing the payment processor to charge your credit card or debit your bank account (“Payment Method”) all applicable fees for your purchase, in United States dollars, including any applicable taxes. You represent that you have the legal right to use the Payment Method and that all the information you provide to us (or our designated payment processor) is accurate, current and complete. You also authorize us to collect and store that Payment Method, along with other related transaction information, provided however, that ClassDojo will not store any credit card account numbers directly. If you pay by credit or debit card, we may obtain a pre-approval from the issuer of the card for an amount, which may be as high as the full price of your purchase. We will bill your payment method at the time you purchase Virtual Currency, or shortly thereafter. If you cancel a transaction before completion, this pre-approval may result in those funds not otherwise being immediately available to you. You must comply with all terms established by the payment processor. You acknowledge that ClassDojo does not control the transaction, and that you bear all risk in connection with the transaction.
All purchases of Virtual Currency are final and ClassDojo will not issue refunds of payments for Virtual Currency, except as required by law. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you waive all claims against us related to payments for Virtual Currency. Refunds (if any) of any payment you make for Virtual Currency will be given solely by the payment processor and are subject to the payment processor's policies and applicable law. If you believe that any charge by the payment processor is in error, you must contact the payment processor to seek resolution. Your correspondence or business dealings with a payment processor, including payment and related services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and the applicable payment processor.
ClassDojo is under no obligation to become involved and you hereby release ClassDojo from any liability for any interaction or dispute that you may have with a payment processor. If ClassDojo does not receive payment from the payment processor for any reason, you will pay all amounts due upon demand and ClassDojo may cancel your Virtual Currency or terminate your ClassDojo account. You are solely responsible for any and all fees charged to your credit card by the issuer, bank, or financial institution including, but not limited to, membership, overdraft, insufficient funds, and over the credit limit fees.
You are responsible for and agree to reimburse ClassDojo for all reversals, charge-backs, claims, fees, fines, penalties and other liability incurred by us (including costs and related expenses) that were caused by or arising out of payments that you authorized or accepted.
Redemption Transactions for Virtual Goods
Users can spend Virtual Currency solely through the Services to acquire Virtual Goods . Spending Virtual Currency through the Services is solely for a User’s personal entertainment and does not create any legally enforceable contract between the User and ClassDojo and the User does not acquire any enforceable legal rights as a result of such transactions. When you redeem Virtual Currency for a Virtual Goods, ClassDojo will post the Virtual Goods within the recipient's ClassDojo Profile or Inventory. When a User spends Virtual Currency to acquire something from ClassDojo, the Virtual Currency is transferred directly to ClassDojo. ClassDojo’s obligation with respect to any redemption transaction ends when ClassDojo delivers the Virtual Goods. There may be limited quantities of Virtual Goods, and ClassDojo may change at any time either the Virtual Goods offered in exchange for Virtual Currency, or the number of Virtual Currency required in exchange for a Virtual Goods. ClassDojo has no obligation to continue offering any Virtual Goods in exchange for Virtual Currency. ALL REDEMPTION TRANSACTIONS ARE FINAL, AND UNLESS OTHERWISE PERMITTED BY CLASSDOJO THROUGH ITS POLICIES OR PRACTICES, NON-REVERSIBLE.
If you acquire (or are the recipient of) a Virtual Goods, ClassDojo hereby grants to you a limited, digital, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, one-time use license (with no right to sublicense) to display or use the Virtual Goods within ClassDojo, in the form provided by ClassDojo. You may not obtain cash from ClassDojo, any User or any third party in exchange for a Virtual Goods. You will not sell any Virtual Goods to anyone, or transfer or agree to transfer any Virtual Goods to anyone.
Your only remedy for a technical failure or interruption of service is to request that your transaction be completed at a later time. ClassDojo is not responsible for replacing any Virtual Goods that are deleted or otherwise lost by the recipient. IN ADDITION TO ANY WARRANTY DISCLAIMERS SET FORTH IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE, ALL VIRTUAL GOODS, VIRTUAL CURRENCY AND THE CLASSDOJO SHOP ARE PROVIDED AS-IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND CLASSDOJO DOES NOT MAKE ANY GUARANTEES REGARDING CLASDOJO STARS, VIRTUAL GOODS, THE CLASSDOJO SHOP OR THEIR AVAILABILITY, QUALITY OR VALUE.
Once redeemed, ClassDojo is under no obligation to provide any refunds of Virtual Currency. You must immediately notify us in writing if you believe that any activity related to your Virtual Currency balance, including any redemption transaction, is incorrect or unauthorized. If you do not dispute that activity on your account in writing to ClassDojo within thirty (30) days of the occurrence of that activity, you agree not to dispute that activity and you waive all claims against us related to that activity to the fullest extent permitted by law. Refunds of Virtual Currency (if any) from a properly disputed redemption transaction or other account activity are at the sole discretion of ClassDojo. If you believe any charge by the payment processor is in error, you must contact the payment processor to seek resolution.
ClassDojo may, in its sole discretion: (a) cancel any purchase of Virtual Currency, or any redemption transaction if we believe that the purchase or redemption transaction violates these Virtual World Terms, the Terms of Service, or applicable law, or if we believe that doing so may prevent financial loss; (b) contact your payment processor, law enforcement, or impacted third parties (including other Users) and share details of any purchase or redemption transaction that you are associated with if we believe that doing so may prevent financial loss or a violation of law; or (c) intervene in a dispute between Users or payment processor, though ClassDojo has no obligation to do so.
You may discontinue your use of Virtual Currency at any time. Without limiting any provision of the Terms of Service, you acknowledge and agree that ClassDojo may at any time and in its sole discretion, without liability, with or without cause and with or without notice: (a) terminate or suspend your access to the ClassDojo Service; or (b) terminate these Virtual World Terms; Additionally, ClassDojo reserves the right to disable any User’s access to Virtual Goods at any time, in its sole discretion, without notice or liability to you.
The following provisions will survive any termination of these Virtual World Terms and will continue to bind you and ClassDojo in accordance with their terms: (a) any licenses granted by you to ClassDojo herein; (b) any accrued but unpaid payment obligations of either you or ClassDojo; (c) all disclaimers by ClassDojo and limitations of ClassDojo’s liability; and (e) any definitions that are necessary to give effect to the foregoing provisions.
We may modify, change, add or remove portions of these Virtual World Terms to, for example, reflect changes to the law or changes to our Services or Virtual Currency or Virtual Goods. You should look at the Virtual World Terms periodically for changes. We’ll post notice of modifications to the Virtual World Terms on this page or elsewhere in the Services and/or as required by law. Changes will not apply retroactively. Changes will be effective immediately, except that for existing users, material revisions will be effective thirty (30) days after posting or notice to you of the revisions unless otherwise stated. However, changes addressing new functions for a Service or changes made for legal reasons will be effective immediately. We may require you to accept the modified Agreement or Guidelines in order to continue to use the Service. Your continued use of the purchase or redemption of Virtual Currency or use of Virtual Goods, following notice of the changes to the Virtual World Terms, constitutes your acceptance of our amended terms, policies or guidelines. If you do not agree to the modified Virtual World Terms, you should discontinue your use of the Service.