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Visualizing Respect

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Students will show respect for themselves and others in this creative activity, which involves drawing a self-portrait, writing compliments for their classmates, and visualizing respect.
Estimated 60 minutes
2nd grade and up
Multifaceted activity kids will love.
Teacher AvatarJulie Lieb1st grade teacherBoston, Massachusetts

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Logea Derrick

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My class absolutely enjoyed the Visualising Respect Activity today since we are learning about the value of Respect🤗💝
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Miss Du Plessis

Year 2
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This was such a powerful experience that brought respect to life in our classroom! 💡 In this activity, we explored the big ideas of respect through three incredible video clips. Each clip highlighted a different aspect of respect, showing its impact on individuals, relationships, and the entire classroom community. It was truly eye-opening for my growing little learners!

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